Ankle and Foot Pain Treatment at STEMS Health

Advanced Regenerative Medicine for Ankle and Foot Disorders

Empowering Your Journey to Pain-Free Mobility

The Complex World of Ankle and Foot Pain

Pain in the ankle and foot regions is a common ailment that can significantly hinder one's ability to walk, run, or even stand. The complexity of the foot and ankle, which contains over a quarter of the bones in the human body, along with numerous tendons, ligaments, and muscles, makes them particularly prone to injury and pain. Let’s take a look at some of the causes below.

  • The unique structure of the foot and ankle, bearing the body's weight and accommodating various movements, can predispose these areas to stress and strain. Conditions like flat feet or high arches can alter biomechanics, leading to pain.

  • Injuries such as sprains, fractures, and ligament tears often occur due to sports activities, falls, or direct impacts. Sprains, particularly in the ankle, are among the most common injuries, occurring when ligaments are overstretched or torn.

  • Repetitive activities can lead to overuse injuries. Plantar fasciitis, characterized by heel pain, and Achilles tendinitis, affecting the back of the ankle, are typical examples.

  • Various forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, can cause pain and stiffness in the feet and ankles.

  • Conditions like neuropathy or poor circulation can also lead to foot and ankle pain, often characterized by tingling, numbness, or burning sensations.

Understanding the Full Picture

At STEMS Health, we recognize that effective treatment starts with a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of ankle and foot pain. Our approach involves a comprehensive evaluation to identify the root of the problem, whether it's an acute injury, a chronic condition, or a degenerative disease.

Targeted Regenerative Treatments

Utilizing the latest advancements in regenerative medicine, including stem cell therapy, PRP, and exosome therapy, we aim to not just alleviate pain but to address the underlying causes, promoting healing and restoring function. Our treatments are designed to cater to the specific needs of each patient, ensuring a personalized approach to recovery.

Why Choose STEMS Health for Ankle and Foot Pain Treatment?

We are Experts in Regenerative Solutions. STEMS Health specializes in cutting-edge regenerative therapies for ankle and foot pain, offering personalized treatment plans designed to alleviate pain, enhance healing, and restore mobility.

Revolutionizing Pain Relief

Explore our cutting-edge ankle and foot pain treatments below.

  • Leverage the power of stem cells to regenerate damaged knee tissues, offering a potential path to lasting recovery.

    Explore Stem Cell Therapy at STEMS

  • Utilize your body's own platelets to activate natural healing mechanisms, effectively treating knee injuries.

    Explore PRP Therapy at STEMS



Platelet-rich plasma versus hyaluronic acid in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: a meta-analysis

This study aimed to evaluate the clinical efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection compared with hyaluronic acid (HA) injection for patients undergoing knee osteoarthritis.


Effect of platelet-rich plasma on healing tissues in acute ruptured Achilles tendon: a human immunohistochemistry study

To our knowledge no published study exists of the effects of PRP in human tissues in vivo. The aim of our study was to investigate the response of ruptured Achilles tendon treated with PRP.


Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for plantar fasciitis

This study evaluates the current evidence concerning the efficacy and safety of PRP as a treatment for PF compared with the efficacy and safety of steroid treatments.


Effect of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy in the treatment of an osteochondral lesion of the ankle

This case study is the first to show the successful use of MSC therapy in the management of an ankle osteochondral lesions.


The use of PRP in treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy: A systematic review of literature. Study design: Systematic review of literature

This systematic review of the literature was conducted to ascertain the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a treatment option in chronic Achilles tendinopathy.


Additional mesenchymal stem cell injection improves the outcomes of marrow stimulation combined with supramalleolar osteotomy in varus ankle osteoarthritis: short-term clinical results with second-look arthroscopic evaluation

The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical, radiological, and second-look arthroscopic outcomes between MSC injection with marrow stimulation and marrow stimulation alone in patients with varus ankle osteoarthritis who have undergone SMO.


The STEMS Health Approach

Our approach to ankle and foot pain is rooted in precision and personalization. We combine advanced diagnostic imaging with minimally invasive techniques to target the root cause of your pain, ensuring a treatment plan as unique as you are.

From your initial consultation to the comprehensive follow-up, our team guides you through each step. Expect a detailed evaluation, a customized treatment plan, and a dedicated focus on managing pain and accelerating recovery.

Start your journey to pain relief. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our regenerative treatments can help alleviate your ankle and foot pain.