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Stem Cell FAQs

  • Stem cells help to create new cells in existing healthy tissues, and may help repair tissues in areas that are injured or damaged. They are the basis for the specific cell types that make up each organ in the body. Stem cells are distinguished from other cells by a few important characteristics: they have the ability to self-renew; they have the ability to divide for a long period of time; and, under certain conditions, they can be induced to differentiate into specialized cells with distinct functions (phenotypes) including, but not limited to, cardiac cells, liver cells, fat cells, bone cells, cartilage cells, nerve cells, and connective tissue cells. The ability of cells to differentiate into a variety of other cells is termed multipotency. What scientists learn about controlling stem cell differentiation can become the basis for new treatments of many serious diseases and injuries.

  • Stem cells can be derived from various sources, including adult tissues (such as bone marrow and adipose tissue), embryos, and umbilical cord blood. Adult stem cells, also known as tissue-specific stem cells, are found in specific tissues and are generally difficult to grow and expand in the laboratory. Hematopoietic or blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow, for example, only make up one in a hundred thousand cells of the bone marrow but can be isolated and used in treatments like bone marrow transplants.

  • Stem cells have potential in many different areas of health and medical research.

    Studying stem cells will help us to understand how stem cells transform into the array of specialized cells that make up the human body. Some of the most serious medical conditions, such as cancer and birth defects, may result from problems that occur in this process of differentiation. A better understanding of normal cell development will allow us to understand and perhaps correct the errors that cause these medical conditions.

    Stem cells will provide a tool for pharmacologic development. Stem cell research should allow the development of cell populations with a specific disease. These cell populations can then be used for initial testing with candidate drugs.

    Finally, perhaps the most exciting potential application of stem cells is cell therapy. Pluripotent stem cells offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and possibly tissues to treat a myriad of diseases, conditions, and disabilities including Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • "Stem cell therapy” more accurately termed as “cell-based therapies” since the procedures we use do not have “true stem cells” that can differentiate into any tissue, has been under intensive study for the last few decades. Virtually every field of medicine is exploring its use. Essentially, we are harnessing the power of cells – the “building blocks” of all the cells in your body – to regenerate and repair tissue. This field of medicine – regenerative medicine – is revolutionary. Instead of giving you a foreign chemical (i.e. medication) or putting in a plastic-and-metal joint replacement, we are utilizing your body’s fundamental repair mechanisms and directing them to the site that needs the most attention. It is perhaps one of the most “natural” treatments we can provide in Medicine.

  • Bone marrow cells are easily obtained. They can be processed with minimal manipulation, per FDA guidelines. But most importantly, they are closer in cell lineage to cartilage and tendon than fat cells. That means they have less to differentiate (change) to become the cells we need them to. Finally, there are many more clinical studies documenting the efficacy of bone marrow-derived cells as compared to adipose cells.

  • Some organs contain stem cells, called adult stem cells, that persist throughout life and contribute to the maintenance and repair of those organs. Not every organ has been shown to contain these cells, and generally, adult stem cells have restricted developmental potential, meaning their capacity for proliferation is limited and they can give rise only to a few cell types. Embryonic stem cells, by contrast, can divide almost indefinitely and can give rise to every cell type in the body, suggesting that they may be the most versatile source of cells for research and transplantation therapy. Note: We do not use embryonic stem cells at STEMS Health Florida.

  • Adult stem cells are most commonly obtained from the outside part of the pelvis, the iliac crest. A needle is inserted in the iliac bone and bone marrow is withdrawn or aspirated through the needle. Several samples may be obtained from one area in this manner. The stem cells may then be separated from other cells in the marrow and grown or expanded in the laboratory. This may take from 7 to 21 days. When stem cells are placed in a specific tissue environment, such as bone, they become activated. As they divide, they create new stem cells and second generation, progenitor cells. It is the progenitor cells which may differentiate into newer cells with the same phenotype as the host tissue.

  • The risks and potential side effects of injecting stem cells or exosomes include:

    The ability of cells to move from placement sites and change into inappropriate cell types or multiply,

    • Failure of cells to work as expected,

    • The growth of tumors,

    • Risk of contamination if cells are manipulated after removal,

    • Administration site reactions,

    • Infection,

    • Allergic reactions,

    • Cross-reactivity reaction.

    Even if stem cells are your own, there are still safety risks, including those mentioned above see FDA warning.

    Click Here to View FDA Warning.

  • Stem cells work to reduce pain and heal injuries by differentiating into the specialized cells required for repairing damaged tissues. This process involves identifying, isolating, and growing the right kind of stem cell, then developing the right conditions so that the cells differentiate into the specialized cells needed for a particular treatment. This approach aims to replace diseased cells with healthy ones, a process similar to organ transplantation but with cells instead of organs.

  • The "best" stem cells depend on the specific application or condition being treated. For some conditions, adult stem cells, such as hematopoietic stem cells from bone marrow, are effective and have been used for decades in treatments like bone marrow transplants. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which are adult cells engineered to become pluripotent, also hold significant promise due to their ability to form all cell types of the body and potential for patient-specific therapies.

  • Stem cell treatments that are FDA-approved or being studied under an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) are considered legal and have undergone rigorous testing for safety and efficacy. However, many stem cell treatments offered by clinics worldwide are unproven and unregulated, posing significant safety risks to patients. The FDA has taken action against unapproved stem cell products and clinics offering such treatments. The scientific literature supports the potential of stem cells in treating a wide range of conditions, but also emphasizes the need for further research to establish their safety and effectiveness.

    The FDA has established a division to regulate blood products, known as the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. Under regulation 21 CFR 1271.15(b), treatment using a patient’s own blood products is allowed by the FDA. Numerous devices that prepare PRP have been FDA cleared. Cell therapy, if utilizing a patient’s own cells, and if those cells are “minimally manipulated” is also allowed by the FDA. The FDA still considers these treatments to be investigational.

  • Stem cell treatments are minimally invasive compared to other surgeries, and their safety and efficacy continue to be studied. We do know that, when managed properly and in proper conditions, stem cell therapy is generally safe, but like all medical treatments, do possess potential dangers. Potential dangers include:

    • As stem cells renew themselves and can become different kinds of cells, they might become cancer cells and form tumors.

    • Stem cells grown in the laboratory, or adult cells reprogrammed to be stem cells, might have genetic damage.

    The safety of stem cell treatments hinges on numerous factors, including the source of the stem cells, the method of extraction, and the delivery technique. Procedures like liposuction or spinal tap, which are sometimes employed to harvest stem cells, or the methods used to implant them into the heart, brain, spinal cord, or other organs, carry their own set of risks, not directly related to the stem cells but to the procedures themselves. Like all medical interventions, stem cell treatments come with inherent risks, with clinical trials aiming to assess if the potential benefits outweigh these risks. One significant concern is the risk of tumor or cancer development, especially if the cells undergo excessive growth in culture, known as expansion, losing the natural mechanisms that regulate their growth. Pluripotent stem cells, for instance, carry a risk of forming tumors known as teratomas if they remain undifferentiated. We can gauard against this by testing stem cells prior to utilizing them in treatment. Other potential risks include infection, tissue rejection, and complications related to the medical procedure itself.


  • PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma, injections harness the body's own healing mechanisms using concentrated platelets from the patient’s blood. Derived from bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes that then release parts of their cytoplasm into the bloodstream (which then form platelets), these platelets are key in clotting and tissue repair. During PRP therapy, a small blood sample is centrifuged to isolate these healing platelets, which are then injected into the affected area. This boosts the natural healing process, helping treat conditions ranging from sports injuries to cosmetic issues by accelerating recovery and reducing inflammation.

  • The FDA has established a division to regulate blood products, known as the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. Under regulation 21 CFR 1271.15(b), treatment using a patient’s own blood products is allowed by the FDA. Numerous devices that prepare PRP have been FDA cleared. Cell therapy, if utilizing a patient’s own cells, and if those cells are “minimally manipulated” is also allowed by the FDA. The FDA still considers these treatments to be investigational.

  • The efficacy and timeline for noticeable improvements after PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment can vary among individuals, based on the severity of the condition and individual healing responses.

    Generally, about 90% of patients report experiencing some degree of relief within a week after their first PRP injection. However, the full therapeutic effect often unfolds over several weeks to months as the growth factors in the PRP stimulate the body's natural healing processes.

    An initial course of three injections, spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart, is typically recommended to optimize outcomes, especially for more chronic or severe conditions. It's important for patients to have realistic expectations and discuss their specific treatment plan and prognosis with their healthcare provider.

  • One to three treatments depending on the degree of injury and how long the injury has existed.

    Please note: the number of PRP treatments required can depend on various factors, including the specific condition being treated, its severity, and the duration of the injury or pain. Generally, a protocol of one to three PRP treatments is advised. Acute injuries may respond well to a single injection, whereas chronic conditions might necessitate two to three treatments to achieve optimal results. Each session aims to progressively enhance the healing environment within the tissue, with treatments typically spaced several weeks apart to allow the body to respond to the injected growth factors.

  • PRP therapy is considered a low-risk procedure, especially when performed by a skilled and experienced practitioner. The most common side effects are mild and temporary, including soreness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, reflecting the body's natural response to the injection and the healing process being initiated. Because PRP uses the patient’s own blood, the risk of allergic reaction or disease transmission is virtually eliminated. However, as with any injection, there is a slight risk of bleeding, infection, or injury to nerves or blood vessels. The risk of bleeding or infection is generally less than 1%, emphasizing the importance of having the procedure done by a qualified healthcare provider in a sterile setting.

    Read an article on PRP risk

  • Individuals who are pregnant, have active cancer, or have blood clotting disorders (e.g., hemophilia) are generally advised against undergoing PRP treatment due to potential risks or lack of sufficient research on safety in these populations. Additionally, those with certain acute infections, skin diseases at the proposed injection site, or systemic infections may also need to avoid PRP therapy. It's critical for patients to disclose their full medical history and any current health conditions or medications to their healthcare provider before undergoing PRP treatment to ensure it's safe and appropriate for them.

  • PRP can be used to treat a wide range of injuries, including osteoarthritis, lumbar spinal disc pain, TMJ, muscle tears, rotator cuff injuries, and tendon and ligament injuries. In addition to these conditions, PRP therapy is continually being explored for its potential applications in other areas of medicine, including cosmetic procedures, hair loss treatment, sexual health conditions such as ED, and the acceleration of healing in surgical sites. The versatility and safety profile of PRP makes it a valuable tool in both improving patients’ quality of life and pushing the boundaries of traditional treatment methodologies.

  • If you’ve been injured, seeking treatment right away will produce the best results. Significant results can be achieved even with old injuries and arthritis.

  • Most patients notice some element of improvement by 2 to 6 weeks after the treatment.

  • At this time, PRP is not covered by most insurance companies or Medicare/Medicaid.

Exosome FAQs

Please note: no exosome products have been approved by the FDA. Meaning, all exosome therapies are considered experimental by the FDA.

  • Exosomes are a subtype of extracellular vesicles that are responsible for cell-to-cell communication.

    To explain further:

    Cells expel extracellular vesicles (EVs) as part of their natural functions, which can be broadly categorized into ectosomes and exosomes.

    Ectosomes are a type of EV with a diameter ranging from 50nm to 1mm, encompassing microvesicles, microparticles, and larger vesicles.

    Exosomes, on the other hand, are smaller EVs, measuring about 40 to 150 nm in size. Unlike ectosomes that are shed directly from the cell's plasma membrane, exosomes originate from within the endosomal system of the cell.

    Exosomes can carry a variety of substances from their cell of origin, which could be any cell in the human body. This cargo includes RNA, lipids, metabolites, and proteins found both inside the cell and on its surface. Due to their diverse contents, exosomes are implicated in numerous physiological and pathological processes such as immune responses, the spread of viruses, pregnancy, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, and notably, in the diagnosis and progression of cancer.

  • Exosomes play an important role in therapy by enhancing cell-to-cell communication, promoting healing, and transporting genetic information and proteins from cell to cell.

  • No, exosomes are not the same as stem cells. Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles, approximately 40 to 150 nm in size, that are secreted by nearly all types of cells in the body. They act as messengers, carrying a variety of molecular signals, such as proteins, lipids, RNA, and DNA, from one cell to another. This communication can influence various physiological and pathological processes, including tissue repair, immune responses, and disease progression. Stem cells, on the other hand, are undifferentiated cells capable of dividing and developing into various cell types within the body. They play a crucial role in growth, healing, and regeneration due to their ability to differentiate and replenish other cells, offering potential for regenerative medicine.

    While both exosomes and stem cells are integral to the body's healing and communication processes, their functions and characteristics are distinctly different. Exosomes can be derived from stem cells and carry signals that reflect the cell of origin's properties, including those of stem cells, but they do not have the capacity to differentiate into other cell types the way stem cells do.

  • Exosome therapy and stem cell therapy have different mechanisms and applications. While stem cell therapy involves directing stem cells to become specific cells in the body, exosome therapy does not imply the need for donor cells in the body. Exosomes are extracted from donated human mesenchymal stem cells and can be administered topically, intravenously or by direct injection into the treatment site.

  • While much of the research surrounding exosomes shows great promise, it is important to note that it is currently in the pre-clinical trial phase. Further investigation is required to fully comprehend the complex nature and potential therapeutic benefits of exosomes.

    Explore recent peer reviewed articles below:

    Read A comprehensive review of the medical and cosmetic applications of exosomes in dermatology

    Read A review on exosomes application in clinical triReadals: perspective, questions, and challenges

    Read Exosomal therapy—a new frontier in regenerative medicine

    Read Exosomes: Current use and future applications

  • Exosomes are considered potential active principles for various treatments, and they play an important role in cancer development through intercellular communication. However, they are not a cure for cancer.

  • Exosomes are considered safe because they are part of our body and are released from our own cells. They have been studied in various skin conditions and wound healing. However, the FDA continues to monitor the use of exosomes in clinical applications due to potential for adverse events and improper use.