Non-Surgical Injections for Back Pain & Alternatives to Back Surgery

Back pain, a common ailment affecting millions annually (approximately 30% of Americans experience back pain each year), often leads patients down the path of considering surgery. 

However, recent advances in medical technology have introduced non-surgical injection therapies that offer effective pain relief and healing, with less potential risk than surgery. This article explores three innovative injection options that are changing the landscape of back pain treatment: PRP injections, Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs), and Stem Cell Therapy.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections for Back Pain

Healing from within - using the body’s own resources

PRP injections, a breakthrough in non-surgical back pain treatment, utilize your own blood's healing properties. PRP injections utilize the growth factors in a patient's own blood to heal damaged tissue and reduce inflammation. A 2018 study found a single PRP injection decreased back pain intensity by 59% after 3 months.

Procedure: A small sample of the patient's blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets and growth factors. This PRP solution is then precisely injected into the damaged areas. The concentrated platelets accelerate the body's natural healing response.

Benefits: Minimally invasive, fast recovery time, utilizes the body's own healing mechanisms, significant reduction in pain and discomfort, improved mobility and function, low risk of side effects. One study found PRP reduced back pain by 78% after 6 months.

How PRP Therapy Works (credit: ESCO)

Epidural Steroid Injections (ESIs): A Targeted Approach

Quick, targeted relief from pain and inflammation

Epidural Steroid Injections effectively combat inflammation-related back pain, especially in conditions like herniated discs. They deliver corticosteroids directly into the epidural space surrounding the inflamed spinal nerves, providing prompt pain relief.

Procedure: Using imaging guidance, a needle is inserted into the epidural space through the back. The steroid medication is then injected around the inflamed nerves.

Benefits: Fast-acting pain relief by reducing localized inflammation, enables participation in physical therapy and daily activities, minimal recovery time compared to surgery, though this is not sustained relief.

How an Epidural Works (credit: TCI)

Stem Cell Therapy: The Future of Back Pain Treatment

Cutting-edge technology for natural tissue regeneration

Stem cell therapy aims to heal damaged spinal tissue by injecting stem cells from the patient's own body or donated stem cells. The injected stem cells promote tissue regeneration and healing. 

Procedure: Stem cells are harvested from the patient's fat or bone marrow. They are then purified and injected into the damaged areas in the spine. The stem cells initiate the repair of the degenerated tissue, which is the cause of inflammation and pain. This advanced treatment is gaining traction for its potential to not only alleviate pain but also to heal the underlying causes, marking a paradigm shift in back pain relief.

Benefits: Promotes long-term spinal tissue healing and regeneration, sustained pain relief, addresses underlying degeneration, avoids surgical risks and long recovery. Over 70% of patients saw reduced pain and disability after stem cell injections in one study.

With non-surgical back pain treatments like PRP, ESIs, and Stem Cell Therapy, there's new hope on the horizon that is less invasive than surgery. These innovative alternatives to back surgery reduce risks, speed up recovery, and open doors to a pain-free life. As medical technology evolves, these treatments promise even greater efficacy and relief.

At STEMS, we offer both stem cell therapy and PRP injections.


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